Monday, November 25, 2024

Technical Analysis on Righetti Computing Inc ($RGTI)

Optionally Listen to the Google NotebookLM Deep Deiv (audio) of this article.

It was November 13th, 2024, one week after US Elections, Trump is coming back in 2025. Got a great tip from a rich buddy, $RGTI or Righetti Computing. Never heard about it. Googled it, looked at the last 12 months. It had increased by 60%, which seemed promising. Zoomed out. However, it had also dropped by 85% from its peak of $11.88 three years prior. Maybe it is coming back up?

I used my three main time frames: half-day, 2 day and weekly. Schaff Trend Cycle (STC 14/26/50/0.5) was good on all three, 2-day went up on mid-September while the Weekly STC followed at the beginning of October. All three time frames ad green Heikin-Ashi above EMA22. It was easy to visualize an up trend on all three. The Dow Theory supported my bullish outlook. Great, looks like at $1.70 it was picking up and I was considering the purchase.

On Thursday, November 14th, using a very popular stock app I bought $RGTI at $1.55. I set my loss limit to $1.33 (-14%) and my profit gain to $1.99 (+28%). That's the rule of thumb: profit/loss = 2. The Loss band was calculated using ATR (Average True Range 14 periods, RMA 1.5, ohlc4) in the half day time frame. TradingView was my tool for technical analysis.
I potentially lost money on the following two days. On day 3 the loss passed my limit reaching -17%. I firmly held. Day 4 was even. Day 5 started the recovering, closing in a green Heikin-Ashi at $1.47. Position still showing loss. Day 6 reached $1.85 and closed at $1.70. That was Friday, November 22nd. It is now Monday November 25th, Day 7. At 7 AM PST $RGTI reached $3.37, I just can't believe it! One hour later around 8 AM PST it started moving down. It was 9 AM PST when I could not hold it any longer and I finally sold $RGTI for $2.88 or 87% profit. This welcomed short-term capital gain is now part of my income. It was probably the best 7-day swing trade I had so far. I wish I had sold my car and invested all cash in $RGTI. Wait, what?

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

O Sonho de Morar no Havai


2020, que ano hein? Muito a se refletir.

Lembrei de um breve artigo publicado em 2015 num site de viagem. Originalmente escrito do ponto de vista feminino, ha uma seção do ponto de vista masculino. Eis minha contribuição:

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Nos Primórdios

Já houve um tempo que a Internet comercial era tão pequena que "cabia na palma da mão". A listagem dos sites cabia nas folhas de um jornal. Na ocasião, fui listado duas vezes: na página que eu tinha no curso de Engenharia (IC/Unicamp) e no estagio (Ecoforce).


Friday, June 28, 2019


I recently bought something at Amazon and instead of home delivery I selected to pick it up in the physical store at Marina Del Rey, CA. As Amazon expected, after the pick up I found myself browsing books and other unnecessary items.  Then, a book highlighted in the shelf, it was about the famous cDc hacking group from the 80s.

Using my phone, I entered its name at LA Public Library app and put a hold to its Digital (Kindle) version. Two weeks later, got an email saying it was available for my checkout.

Borrowing a book at Los Angeles Public Library

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Acompanhamento Político

Há vantagens e desvantagens em não viver o dia-a-dia da politica Brasileira. Estando de "fora" tem-se uma visão mais abrangente e portanto menos atenta aos detalhes que tanto tempo nos consome. Não é a toa que as empresas contratam "consultores" para lhe dizer o óbvio, para mostrar as feridas, as sujeiras que normalmente seriam jogadas para debaixo do tapete.

As eleições presidenciais de 2014 deixaram cicatrizes profundas e culminaram, por uma série de fatores, na aprovação do processo de Impeachment pela segunda vez desde que o país voltou a ter eleições diretas. Amizades foram desfeitas, famílias separadas pela divergencia política. Junte-se a esta sopa um país de crentes onde "eu vi na TV" soa como tautologia. Algumas pessoas acreditam que nos governos militares não havia corrupção, outras que a corrupção começou em 2003.
Já eu acredito que a falta de leitura e portanto conhecimento histórico vai levar muito tempo para ser corrigida.

Mas o que eu acredito mesmo é que a supervisão é fundamental para manter o rumo de qualquer projeto, dos mais simples composto por poucas tarefas até a condução de um país para o Século XXI. Sempre que se vê o "Controle & Supervisão" sendo reduzido há oportunidade para os desvios de conduta.

Nesta linha, procurei maneiras para acompanhar os politicos brasileiros. Como votou o deputado(a) que representa seu estado, sua região? Como vota seu vereador? Que posição ele tem em relação aos assuntos que te interessam?

Conte-se nos dedos as pessoas que você conhece que se lembra em quem votou nas últimas eleições. Ainda menor é o número dos que acompanham seus representantes. Ou seja, aqueles que definem de certa maneira o rumo da sua vida acabam tendo passe livre e pouco comprometimento. Esta ladainha é a mesma desde que as eleições voltaram a ser realidade.

A Tecnologia e livre comunicação são parceiras da Supervisão. Procurei websites que permitam algum tipo de acompanhamento parlamentar. Destaco alguns:
Nenhum chegou aos pés do GovTrack.US ou ou mesmo BallotPedia. Temos muito que avançar.

Friday, May 6, 2016

AWS Freebie

Amazon Web Services (AWS) allows you to have really tiny VM for free during one year. It is limited in CPU, RAM and Storage, but that's enough resource and time for you to get along with all terminology and procedures. That's a huge advantage compared to other Cloud services from big players like Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure.

Since this is "free", you won't be able to have your own static public IP. But if you have your own domain, you can setup a free account from Dynamic DNS service ( and create a record that will address the public IP change. So you will always be able to be addressed by your own domain, AWS instance (VM) will update Dynamic DNS.

I decided to host my professional website at AWS under my domain Here are steps in a nutshell. Please advise I have two domains ( and at AWS, so you will see CNAME set on both domains:

  1. Create hostname at DDNS for AWS instance (I called id "")
  2. Configure RPM package "noip" to authenticate your AWS instance (vi /etc/no-ip2.conf)
  3. Create DNS CNAME on your domain to pointing to DDNS hostname

Finally, had apache virtual host configured to understand which Document Root should be shown when someone is coming for (whenever is possible I avoid "www").

[root@aloha letsencrypt]# nslookup -q=any

Non-authoritative answer: canonical name =

I created CNAME DNS record to point "" to "" and "" to "":

[root@aloha letsencrypt]# nslookup -q=any

Non-authoritative answer: canonical name =

[root@aloha letsencrypt]# nslookup -q=any

Non-authoritative answer: canonical name =

Here is some info about noip package (RPM):

Vendor      : Fedora Project
URL         :
Summary     : A dynamic DNS update client
Description :
Keep your current IP address in sync with your No-IP host or domain with
this Dynamic Update Client (DUC). The client continually checks for IP
address changes in the background and automatically updates the DNS at
No-IP whenever it changes.

Saturday, November 7, 2015